Spring Sprites Part One - Blight

Spring Sprites Part One - Blight

In the meadow surrounding the heart of Ainsley Kingdom, the morning dew glistened like tiny diamonds on delicate petals, Queen Iris flittered gracefully among the blossoms. Her wings shimmered with the iridescence of a thousand rainbows as she glided from blossom to blossom, tending to each with a tender touch.

Iris was not just the queen of Sprites - dainty, delicate creatures, with colourful wings and sharp features - she was a guardian of nature, entrusted with the fragile balance of her realm. From the tallest sunflowers to the tiniest daisy, every plant thrived under her attentive gaze. 

As she conducted her routine checks, it was a day like any other, or so she had thought. The usually sweet scent of the garden was overshadowed by a faint, acrid odour that made her sharp, pointed nose twitch. Near the edge of the meadow, where clusters of delicate lilies usually lay, Iris discovered a patch of wilting blossoms. Their once vibrant petals now drooped sadly, their colours faded and leaves curling at the edges.

These plants were known for their resilience and vibrant blooms that swayed gently in the breeze. They had always been a source of pride for Iris, a testament to the harmony between her realm and the natural world. Yet today, as she inspected them closely, her heart shuttered.

As Iris looked further into the meadow she could see black spots on leaves, and where petals should have been a deep, inviting hue, they instead appeared wilted and sickly. Iris frowned, her brow furrowing with worry. Toxic plants were never an occurrence in her kingdom, where every flora and fauna thrived under her careful watch.

"Something isn't right," she murmured to herself, her voice barely louder than the rustling of the leaves. She knew she had to act swiftly. Plucking a flower from its stem and with a determined flutter of her wings, Iris darted back towards the heart of the kingdom where her most trusted advisor and confidant awaited.

As she flew, her mind raced with thoughts of what could have caused such a blight. Had an unknown predator infiltrated their borders? Was there a new, malicious force at work against her beloved garden? Or worse yet, had her own negligence somehow allowed this corruption to take root?

Arriving at the Council Chamber, Iris found her advisor, Venus, hunched over some papers, eyebrows furrowed as he read. Sitting at the high chair to the right of her own throne, Venus’ electric blue wings peaked like twin mountains over his matching head of hair. Venus looked quickly up at the sound of the door closing behind her. "My Queen." His eyes flitted down to the wilted flower in her hard, a look of sad understanding took over his weathered face as he took in her panicked expression. “I see you are already aware, I was hoping to read the entire report before coming to you. We have received reports from the western scouts. Signs of decay have been spotted near the riverbanks." Venus stated in a kind, careful voice.

Iris's eyes focused and her wings trembled slightly with a mixture of frustration and determination. "It is not only there, whatever this is it’s at the borders of our kingdom. We must investigate this at once," she declared firmly, fluttering to his side as he stood, papers in hand. Delicately taking the flower from her hand Venus scanned the wilting lilies with a practiced eye. "It's as if a poison has seeped into their roots," he mused, his voice tinged with worry. “We have safeguards in place against such occurrences. We will have our best Sprites begin cleansing while we investigate the cause for this.”

Iris already felt lightened with the words Venus spoke - yes, they would fix this. “We cannot let this spread,” power evident in her voice.

Venus nodded in agreement, his expression flickering as he hesitates while looking back down at the wilted flower. "Agreed, my Queen. However, I fear… You remember the news our ancient counterparts brought to us not too long ago?" Venus asked, looking back up into Iris’ eyes.

Brows furrowing, Iris queried, “the destruction the elves are causing on their southern boarder? Yes, of course I remember, we have closely monitored it. But there has been a change recently, restoration has been made.”

Venus began pacing. “Well, could these two not be related? What if the elves have discovered us and devised a plan to encroach on our new land?”

Iris stood stock still as she contemplated this. Venus had been by her side since childhood, even during when tragedy had struck with the quick escape of Sprites from their homeland, now claimed by the Elves. Iris had been very young at the time, Venus had been looking after her since the early passing of her parents in a horrible magical accident that Venus never wanted to divulge too deeply into with her.

Iris had been rumoured to take the crown even at her young age, as in their culture, the crown did not pass to the offspring of the current reign, but to the one born most magical - her predecessor had reigned for many a millennia but had been weakening since her birth, tragically dying during the onslaught of the elves that drove them from their home. Venus had not only helped raise her but had also guided her through the trials of leadership, becoming her most trusted advisor. Looking towards Venus in the current turmoil racking at her brain, she recalled this first hardship together.

In the tranquil days before the war, Iris had danced among the meadows of her homeland, the Flowering Glades, where every petal and leaf knew her name. Iris was unique in her community, her way with nature was highly regarded even from a young age. Her parents, skilled caretakers of the land, taught her the ancient songs that made the flowers bloom and the trees whisper with joy. But when the elves, hungry for power and dominance, swept through their lands with merciless intent, everything changed.

The peaceful melodies of the Glades were drowned out by the clangor of swords and the roar of fire. The elves were relentless, their iron grip tightening around the heart of the Glades.

In the chaos, amidst the swirling smoke and the cries of the wounded, Iris emerged from her hidden place and wandered into the chaos, refusing to hide any longer and be there to help her people in whatever way she can. But the chaos was too much for such a young spriteling, she stumbled, disoriented, amidst the trampling feet and the desperate shouts. Panic clawed at her chest as she searched frantically for the only saving grace she knew.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the din, calling her name with urgency. "Iris! Over here!"

It was Venus, her carer and the closest thing she had to family. With his wings spread wide like a protective shield, Venus swooped down amidst the chaos, his eyes filled with sorrow. Without hesitation, he gathered Iris into his arms and took flight, leaving behind the only home Iris had ever known.

Through the tears that blurred her vision, Iris glimpsed the Glades one last time - a sea of flames and darkness where once had bloomed a paradise of colour and life. The loss was a dagger in her heart, but Venus held her close, whispering words of comfort as they soared above the devastated landscape.

Together with the remnants of their people, they fled into the cover of the ancient forests, guided by Venus's unwavering resolve and knowledge of hidden paths. Along the way, Iris clung to Venus like a fragile blossom in a storm, finding solace in the strength of their bond amidst the uncertainty of their future.

As they traveled, Venus shared stories of their ancestors, of a time when sprites and elves had lived in harmony, and of a prophecy that spoke of a day when balance would be restored. Iris listened with wide-eyed wonder, finding hope in Venus's tales and in the resilient spirit of their people who refused to be broken by the darkness that had descended upon them.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as they journeyed toward the far reaches of their kin. Along the way, Iris grew stronger, her wings gaining in grace and her heart in resilience. As Iris grew, her reputation as a powerful sprite spread further among the scattered tribes. Her determination to protect her people fueled their hope in the face of despair.

Months turned into years as Iris honed her skills and forged alliances with other displaced sprites. Iris had been crowned as evidence pointed to her new ruling with the power she held between her palms. Rumours swirled that Iris was key to the prophecy that balance would be restored for her people. Under her leadership, a new home was established, peace seemed to be imminent. But Iris never forgot what the elves had done.

And though the scars of loss remained etched upon Iris's soul, she knew that as long as Venus remained by Iris's side, advising her with quiet wisdom and unwavering loyalty, they would continue to fly towards a future where the Flowering Glades would bloom once more, and where the melodies of peace would sing through the land once again.

Turning back to Venus who had also frozen watching Iris’ expression. “It cannot be possible. It has been centuries since the devastation, I would be surprised if the elves are still aware of us with how likely it is that they rewrote their horrible history. We will investigate first, starting with the western border where we found these plants.”

Venus opened his mouth as if to press his theory, but quickly closed it, nodding. As they flittered out of the Council Chamber, Iris felt a surge of gratitude for Venus's unwavering support. Together, they would uncover the mystery behind this unexpected threat to their beloved kingdom. For the bond they shared went deeper than duty—it was forged in the nurturing embrace of the flowers they both cherished, and in the unbreakable trust that had blossomed between them over the years.

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