Neon Fae Part Five - Dim

Neon Fae Part Five - Dim

Have you read Neon Fae Part Four - Gloom?


They weaved through the crowd in silence. It eventually thinned out enough to walk side by side as the trees thickened. The forest was dark except for the dim glow of the moon behind them. A few metres into the forest the white light of the moon was replaced by the dots of yellow fireflies and patches of green at the base of the tree trunks. Peering at a nearby tree, Ki saw the green glow was coming from a cluster of bioluminescent mushrooms.

“Where are we going?” Ki asked.

Blaze ignored him, peering between the trees. “Shroomy, there you are,” he said, as a tiny female stepped into the path in front of them. Her hair was black at the roots, fading out to fiery red ends. She wore a cloak covered in colourful mushrooms.

“Looking for me Sparky?” she smiled.

Ki snorted at the name. Shroomy’s smile dropped as she stared at him. Her eyes where so dark Ki couldn’t see where her pupils ended and irises started. He stared into their depths, suppressing a shiver.

“You got the good stuff?” Blaze asked.

Shroomy held Ki’s gaze for a beat longer, before turning back to Blaze. “No, but I’ll take you to it,” she said. Turning on her heels she marched into the forest, Blaze taking off after her. Ki hesitated for a moment before hurrying to catch up.

“What are we getting?” he asked.

“Magic mushrooms,” Blaze said, following Shroomy’s seemingly erratic trail through the trees.

“Why can’t we just have those ones?” he asked, gesturing to a cluster of glowing mushrooms at the base of the nearest tree.

“Those ones will make you paranoid as shit,” Shroomy said over her shoulder. “You want these ones,” she said, stopping and pointing at a cluster of mushrooms that looked identical to the ones Ki had pointed out.

“I thought you said those ones make you paranoid as shit?” Ki asked.

Shroomy shook her head. “Na, these ones will give you a relaxed buzz with mild hallucinations.”

“But they look exactly the same as the others?”

“Physically yes, but their heat signatures are completely different. Red, orange, and yellow are hallucinogens, relaxers, and gigglers. Green, blue and purple are overwhelmers, paranoias, and poisoners. The ones you pointed out are blue, these are orange,” Shroomy said, bending down with Blaze to grab a handful of the mushrooms.

“Shroomy’s the Scarlett Kingdom’s best mushroom finder,” Blaze said.

Shroomy straightened, handing Ki a small handful of glowing mushrooms. “This should be enough for a few hours of fun.”

“They taste like shit but in half an hour it’ll be worth it,” Blaze said as he shoved his handful into his mouth and started chewing.

Ki stared at the mushrooms in his hand, then shrugged. He could do with a relaxed buzz. The gods knew he needed a break from his swirling thoughts. He shoved them in his mouth and chewed. They tasted like dirt, making him gag.

Shroomy laughed. “At a boy,” she said as she slapped him on the back.

Blaze swallowed. “Thanks Shroomy, what do I owe you?”

Her lips pulled to the side as she thought. “I’ve got everything I need at the moment. You know what, I’ll keep this one as an IOU. Til next time Sparky,” she said, nodding at Blaze. “Questions,” she nodded at Ki and disappeared into the trees.

“Alright, com’on Questions, let’s get to the beach before this shit kicks in,” Blaze snickered.

Ki scowled, but followed him back through the trees, past the lake and down to the beach. The breeze was salty, the soft crash of the glowing waves filled the air. He scanned the beach, hoping he’d see Luna. He didn’t, but there were fire and lightning dancers performing on the beach surrounded by a small crowd.

Forgetting about Blaze, Ki joined the edge of the crowd. He stared transfixed at the dancers as the bright orange flames and white flashes of lightning danced along their arms, filling the air between them. The flames took the shape of dragons and lions, bright and warm against the night sky. The lightening took the shape of wolves and thunderbirds, flashing and crackling coldly.

Between the two dancers the fire and lightning intermingled. Fiery dragons breathing lightning and white wolves with fiery wings took shape, accompanied by flaming lions with lightning eyes and claws and electric thunderbirds flapping fire. This had to be the most amazing thing he’d ever seen. Ki had no idea how long he stood there watching the display of power and control.

“There you are,” Blaze said. Ki jerked, turning to him. He realised his mouth was hanging open and quickly snapped it shut. Blaze laughed. “Looks like those shrooms are working. Although this display is pretty insane,” he said, turning to watch the fire and lightning. “Let’s go for a walk,” Blaze eventually said, dragging his eyes away from the dancers.

Ki followed him to the shoreline in silence, the fire-lightning creatures burnt into his retinas. The glowing waves ran up the sand, the bioluminescence swirling, creating patterns. As he watched the waves, the fire-lightning creatures turned into the shapes of mermaids, selkie, and sea dragons. He took of his shoes and stepped into the water.

“Shit dude, there’s sea dragons in the waves,” Ki said, staring transfixed at the water rushing around his feet.

Blaze laughed. “It’s good shit ae.” He took a seat on the sand, looking out at the glowing waves.

Ki remained standing in the shallows, watching the patterns swirl around his feet. He thought back to last night. “I need to find her man.”

“Why? You don’t even know her.”

“I don’t know.” He paused. “She sets me on fire man. She makes me feel alive.” He couldn’t find the words to explain the intense pull he felt toward Luna. “Does that make any sense?” he asked, turning to look at Blaze sitting on the beach behind him.

Blaze didn’t take his eyes off the water. “Yeah, I know what you mean. What about Ember though?”

Ki turned back to the water. “I don’t know why she’s being such a bitch. I didn’t think she was prejudice against Ultraviolet Fae.”

“She isn’t,” Blaze said.

Ki snorted. “Her actions say otherwise.”

“Na, remember that group of Ultraviolet Fae we hung out with three years ago at the Darkness Festival? She was totally cool with them all week.”

Ki’s eyebrows came together. “I forgot about that.”

“Of course you did,” Blaze laughed. “You were half feral on acid all week.”

“Oh yeah,” Ki laughed. “Wait, are you saying she’s got something against Luna specifically?” he said, suddenly serious.

Blaze paused. “I’m not sure. I thought I recognised her though…”

A jolt shot through him. So he wasn’t crazy, Blaze recognised her too. Maybe Ember did as well. How the hell could all three of them recognise Luna when they didn’t interact at all outside of the festivals? He knew very little about the others lives, and he sure as hell made sure they knew nothing about who he truly was. He rolled it all over in his mind, but he couldn’t make any sense out of it.

Blaze stood up, brushing the sand off the back of his shorts. “We should probably go see if the others found Ember.”

Ki grabbed his shoes, deciding to go barefoot back to the house. They walked back in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as the effects of the mushrooms wore off. Blaze preceded him into the house. Kiran, Laurel, Forrest, and Ember were sitting in the living room. They fell silent as Blaze and Ki entered.

“Ember! Are you ok?” Ki asked, relief sweeping through him despite how annoyed he was.

She sat up straight, gave him a hard look. “No, I’m not ok. How could you even talk to her?”

“Luna?” he asked, confused.

“Not Luna. Well yes, but her name isn’t Luna. You don’t know who she is?”

He hesitated. “No,” he drew out.

Fire flashed in her eyes. “Ever heard of Major Raven?”

Shock jolted through him as the image of an elegant woman in sparkling violet gown, short black hair, a heart-shaped face, and deep purple eyes popped into his mind. “No. I mean yes,” he said, stumbling between what Ember said and the image in his mind. “But she doesn’t look like her?”

Ember glared at him. “Yes she does, coloured contacts, a wig, and make up doesn’t change someone that much.”

“Why does it matter who she is? These festivals are about all the kingdoms coming together. Isn’t that what we all want?” he asked.

A ripple of heat emanated from Ember. Forrest looked at her, concerned. “It matters because she’s a piece of shit killing machine.”

Ki stopped himself from nodding. He’d seen her train once with her guard. He shouldn’t have spied on her, but once he caught a glimpse of her he couldn’t stop watching. The way she moved with her daggers was mesmerising.

“She’s a Major, she just doing her job.” Ki said.

“She killed my family you asshole!” Ember shouted, jumping up from the couch and launching a ball of fire across the room at Ki.

He reacted instinctively, bringing up a shield of bright purple bioluminescence, immediately snuffing out the fire ball. As the bioluminescence dissolved, he saw the look on Forrest and Laurel’s faces. Oh shit. He’d obviously made the right choice all these years to never show his magic.

“Only the royal family has purple bioluminescence,” Forrest snarled, shooting to his feet. “You’re a fucking royal?”

Ki’s eyes shot between his friends. Forrest’s face was twisted into a snarl, Ember had another fireball in her hand, and Laurel sat on the edge of the couch, staring at him open mouthed. Kiran remained relaxed on the couch, unreadable. Finally, he glanced at Blaze who gave him a small nod.

Fuck. “I didn’t mean to hide anything from you guys. It, my title, doesn’t mean anything, I’m just Ki.”

“Except for the fact that your family is shitting all over our home,” Forrest growled, gesturing to Laurel. “Do you even know what’s happening in the Emerald District?”

Shame washed over him. He knew exactly what was happening. “I’m trying to stop it, I swear. The situation is complicated. The parliament, they’re-”

“Liar!” Forrest shouted.

“Who are you?” Laurel asked quietly.

Ki hesitated. How the fuck was he going to get out of this one. He didn’t want to lie to his friends, but he also knew his answer was going to make the situation worse.

“Who. Are. You?” Forrest snarled.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Fuck it, lying would make it even worse. They’d find out eventually. “Prince Kaeruleus,” he answered quietly.

“You’re the fucking prince!” Forrest shouted. “How the hell have we known you all these years and not known you were the prince!” Forrest looked at Kiran who shrugged, then at Blaze who just stare back. Forrest turned his furious gaze back to Ki. “I thought we were friends. You lied to us and gave us a fake name this whole time?”

“I’ve never lied to you, I just haven’t told you anything about my life. My nickname is Ki. I-“

“You know what, I don’t want to hear it. You’re a piece of shit,” Forrest spat. “Com’on guys, let’s get out of here.” Forrest marched to the door, shoving Ki out the way with his shoulder. Ember was right behind him, rolling the fireball over her fingers. Laurel hesitated, fiddling with her tutu, but followed her brother. Kiran slowly pushed himself up from the couch.

“Forrest, wait!” Ki called, desperation constricting his voice.

Forrest stopped at the door. “I don’t take orders from you, Your Highness,” he snapped. His eyes went to Blaze who hadn’t moved. “Are you coming Blaze?”

“Nope,” he said, crossing his arms.

Hurt flickered across Forrest’s face. “Fine. I suppose you don’t know or care about what’s happening in the Emerald District anyway.”

“I know about the oppression of your District,” Blaze said.

Ki’s stomach dropped. How the hell did Blaze know?

“Then how can you stand with him?” Forrest asked, confusion softening his expression.

“Because I also know he’s doing everything he can to stop it.”

Forrest’s face twisted with rage. “Which is nothing.”

Blaze shrugged. “No, but you’re blinded by rage at the moment so there’s no point trying to convince you.”

“Fuck off both of you,” Forrest spat and stormed out the door followed by Ember and Laurel.

Ki’s chest hollowed out as he stared at the empty doorway.

“I believe you.”

Ki spun around. Kiran stood behind him. He gave Kiran a small smile. “Thanks man.”

“I have to go with Laurel though, make sure she’s ok, you know.” Kiran clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll talk to Forrest. We’ll work it out.” He gave Blaze a quick nod and disappeared through the open doorway after Laurel.

Ki stood in silence staring after this friends. In one night the best part his life had blown up in his face. Fuck, he shouldn’t have hidden the truth from them.


Read Neon Fae Part Six - Dark out now!

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