The Gods Part Four - Golden Sunset

The Gods Part Four - Golden Sunset

Have you read The Gods Part Three - Mt Pelion Siege?


A cool breeze tickled her face, carrying the honey-scent of Crocus flowers. She lay on a soft mattress, a plump pillow under her head. The world was pink through her eyelids. The breeze also carried bird song and soft snoring. Her mouth felt gummy, and she realised how badly she wanted a glass of water. 

Slowly she opened her eyes. When she’d adjusted to the bright sun streaming through the tower window she managed to find the source of the snoring. Calix was sitting in a winged armchair by her bedside. Well not really sitting, his head and shoulders were crumpled against one wing, a leg hanging over the opposite arm. He was drooling slightly as he snored. She chuckled at the sight of him and his eyes snapped open instantly.

“Krysos!” Calix yelped, untangling himself from the chair and wiping away the drool with the back of his hand.

As he came closer to her bed she saw the dark circles under his eyes. His skin was pale under a scraggly beard and his hair was a mess. His shirt and pants were stained and crumpled too. He gently sat on the side of her bed, taking her hand and stroking it with his callused one. For a long time they said nothing, staring at their intertwined hands and listening to the birds. 

“How long was I out,” she finally asked, raising her eyes to find him staring at her with an intensity she’d never seen before.

“Two weeks. I- I thought I’d lost you,” he said softly, his eyes sparkling. 

Something squeezed around her heart at the mixture of pain and relief in his voice. She swallowed hard as the tight feeling crept up her throat.

“Well I think I probably need a bath then,” she chuckled.

He gave her a watery smile before calling Ida in to draw a bath. While they waited he got her a glass of water. When it was ready Krysos tried to get out of bed, but Calix gently held her down. He scooped her up instead. She wrapped her arms around his neck, breathing in his musky oak scent as he carried her.

“I’ll light the candles and oil burner,” he said, putting her down and turning away to give her privacy. 

Stripping off, she sunk into the milky water. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes. She could hear Calix moving around the room and the dull thunk of wood near her head. Opening an eye she peered at him. He was holding a large jug and honey-scented soap in his hand. 

“Can I wash your hair? And before you say anything, I know you can do it yourself,” he said with a smile. 

“Fine,” she smiled back, sitting up so the water just covered her chest. He worked gently, massaging her scalp. She closed her eyes again, feeling every swirl and stroke of his fingers on her head. The tension in her body eased. He held one hand on her forehead as he rinsed the soap from her hair, careful not to get it in her eyes. 

As he finished she turned to him with a wicked smile. “By the look of you, you could do with a bath too. Join me.”


He felt his face burn. “I can’t. There’s- there’s too much water in the bath.”

She rolled her eyes at him. He was glad to see it hadn’t taken long to get back to her old self. 

“It’ll dry. Come on, get in.”

His stomach fluttered at the thought of her very elegant, and very naked, body floating just below the milky surface. She was watching him as his eyes roved over the water which was glittering in the candle light. 

“Suit yourself,” she said with a touch of impatience. “I would have thought most men would jump at the chance to bathe with a goddess.”

He flicked his eyes up to meet hers. Without breaking eye contact he stripped. He watched her face and felt a surge of power as her eyes roved over his body, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Carefully he stepped into the scalding bath, sitting to face her, water sloshing over the sides. 

“How are the rest of your soldiers?” she asked, once he’d settled.

His face dropped. “We lost twelve, including Theo. He died while covering us as we took out the catapults.”

“I’m sure he will find himself in Elysium for his sacrifice,” she said, gently touching his leg under the water. 

“I hope so.”

They lapsed into comfortable silence. Calix thought of the soldiers he’d lost and those who were injured. His chest felt heavy. He was responsible for his people and it always laid heavy on his conscience. He blamed himself for not protecting them. 

“It’s ok to be sad, but don’t forget you are protecting your country. Death is part of life and death is part of war. You are not to blame for the loss,” she said, as if she’d read his mind.

He sighed. “I should have been able to protect them. I should have been able to protect you!”

She chuckled. “Good luck trying to protect me. In case you haven’t noticed I’m always getting myself into trouble, and I’m quite capable of looking after myself.”

He smiled at her, but he still felt a weight in his stomach. Krysos pushed herself up, sloshing more water onto the floor. She wiggled around so her back was facing him and scooted closer. She laid down against him, the length of her body pressing into his. Her head came to rest on his chest and she let out a soft sigh. He breathed in her honey scent and felt a wave of relaxation wash through him.

He wrapped his arms around her in the water and she intertwined her fingers with his. Leaning his cheek on her head he took another deep breath of her honey scent. Her body melted into his and he finally relaxed after weeks of being on edge. They lay there until the bath went cold.


She stared at the dessert as she pushed it around her plate. After a week of helping Calix heal the injured soldiers, a week of not talking about what happened in the bath, they’d finally manage to find time to revisit the dinner they were meant to have before the siege.

She’d worn a new two-piece and brushed her hair until it shone in her mirror, more excited than she should have been for the dinner. But as the cold air bit at her on the way to his tower she’d had a sudden and sinking realisation, and she’d have to bring it up with Calix sooner rather than later. 

“Are you alright?” Calix asked, concern in his voice. 

Setting down her fork, she raised her eyes to meet his over the flowers. “There’s something I need to tell you.” He didn’t say anything, waiting for her to continue. She cleared her throat. “Well it’s just, it’s getting colder, winter is coming, and well…” she trailed off with a slight shrug.

“Autumn is leaving,” he finished for her. “Is this why you’ve been so quiet tonight?”

She nodded.

“Come with me,” he said, getting up from the table and taking her hand.

She followed him out to the balcony. Calix slid an arm around her waist and pulled her in front of him. She leaned back against his body, looking out at the view. The sun was setting, the sky red and gold over the forest whose golden trees were now half bare. The cool air was filled with bird song.

“Sunset has always been my favourite time of day. The gold, the birds, the magic,” he said softly, pulling her closer to him. “It doesn’t last as long as I’d like, but even though the sun sets and the world goes dark, it doesn’t truly leave. I wait and the sun comes back, bringing its golden glow, and once again I get to be part of something magical.”

Her chest tightened. She turned in his arms, looking up into his red-flecked brown eyes. “Would you wait for me?” she whispered, holding her breath.

He smiled at her. “I’d follow you if I could, but since I can’t leave my post I’ll wait. Would you come back for me?”

“With the next autumn,” she breathed.

Gently he stroked her cheek, sliding his fingers under her chin and tilting her mouth up toward his. His lips were soft as he brought them down to hers. Her stomach fluttered, she’d long since given herself over to the fact that Calix brought up mortal emotions in her. 

He went to pull away, but she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He kissed her back, pulling their bodies closer together, his hands roving over her. She melted into him with a moan. He moaned in return as she ran her fingers through his hair and over his muscled shoulders.

Suddenly he pulled away and scooped her up, taking her back into the tower. He kicked open the door to his bedroom where a simply carved four-poster bed stood in the centre. He gently laid her on the bed before stripping off his shirt. She sucked in a breath as he crawled over her, coming down on her with a passionate kiss that turned her to fire.


He lay on his side, head propped on his hand, watching her. She slept so peacefully. Her hair sparkled in the slither of watery sunlight that sliced across the bed. Over the past two weeks they’d spent every moment they could together, even managing to make a few more trips to Kipos Gardens together. At the end of every day they’d end up in each other’s bed, conscious of how little time they had left together. 

But the first snowflakes floated down from the clouds yesterday and they couldn’t put off the inevitable any longer. He’d been trying not to think about it. He reached out and gently traced the line of her shoulder, down her arm, to her hand. She stirred at his touch, giving him a sleepy smile. 

He knew she wouldn’t wake until she smelt coffee. He got up and headed to the living room, throwing on a toga as he went. Pouring the hot water onto the coffee grounds he counted down. As expected, when he got to ten, Krysos appeared at the door in one of his shirts.

“Coffee,” she mumbled, reaching out for a cup.

Chuckling he passed her a milky coffee with a spoonful of honey, just how she liked it. She sipped it and sighed appreciatively, giving him a peck on the cheek as she padded past to flop on the couch. As he sat next to her she lay her legs over his. His stomach dropped as he realised this was the last time this would happen. 

She took another sip, watching him over the rim. “I have to leave today,” she said, as she lowered the mug.

“I know,” he sighed. 

“But I’ll come back.”

“I know,” he said again, this time with a smile.  

They sipped their coffee in silence. He thought about the little box in the draw of the side table next to him. There wasn’t going to be a better time than now.

“I have something for you,” he said.

She raised her eyebrows but said nothing. He swivelled around, opening the draw to grab the box. 

“I wanted to get you something,” he said, opening the small black leather box and passing it to her. Sitting on a red velvet cushion was a gold ring. She blinked as her eyes sparkled. Then to his surprise she started to laugh. 

“Thank you,” she said with a watery chuckled, slipping the ring on her finger. “I wanted to get you something too.” She reached over to her side table and passed him an identical black leather box. He snapped it open and on a red velvet cushion was a silver ring

He laughed. “Looks like our castle jeweller is good at keeping secrets. Thank you,” he said as he slipped the ring on his finger.

They finished their coffee then headed back into the bedroom to get changed. He draped a shawl around her shoulders to protect her from the cold. Grabbing her hand he led her out the door. They walked hand in hand to the courtyard. 

The whole castle had assembled to see her off. She’d become a favourite and Calix smiled as he watched her laughing with and hugging his people goodbye. The people of the castle presented her with golden hair pins as a parting gift which she let Ida fuss over as she pinned them in her hair. They waved her off as Calix accompanied her over the drawbridge and into the edge of the forest. 

“I’ll miss you,” he said with a sad smile.

“I’ll bring autumn early next year,” she replied with a smirk. 

“I’d like that,” he said, stepping closer and running his fingers through her golden hair. Then he kissed her with all the passion he felt for her. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him, running her fingers through his hair. 

As they broke apart he felt his throat tighten so much he couldn’t speak. Instead he squeezed her hand. 

“Goodbye,” she whispered, and as she walked away he noticed she left footprints behind.


Thank you for reading! Want more? Check out Sorcerers Part One - Shadows now!

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