Pixie Part Four - The Trial

Pixie Part Four - The Trial

Have you read Pixie Part Three - The Gem?


Folium carefully lay Virtus on a table in the corner of the courtroom. The mayor had started to regain feeling in his limbs so Cus had tied him to a chair in the middle of the room at Folium’s request.

Cus had been surprised at the situation he’d been called to, but after hearing Folium’s story he was happy to help. Plus, Cus liked Folium and knew how shy she was. He couldn’t see any reason she’d put herself forward so boldly if she wasn’t 100% sure she was doing the right thing.

The courtroom door banged open and Vice Mayor Delia, Judge Vi, Teri, and Maverix filed in.

“What do we have here?” asked Vi, a pixie with bright blue hair, a matching bright blue dress, and golden sandals.

“Folium, what’s going on?!” her mother asked in shock.

“She’s out of her mind!” Mayor Kallen shouted. “Untie me and arrest her!”

“One arrest at a time I think. Since you’re so conveniently tied up let’s start with you mayor,” Vi said as she fluttered to the bench. Vi had butted heads with Mayor Kallen over the years, and this situation was within Saltus City law, so she was quite enjoying herself.

Teri, Maverix, and Cus followed Delia to the jury stand and took a seat.

“Now why have we all been gathered here?” Vi asked, peering toward Folium.

But before she could answer, the courtroom door banged open again and in filed Zya, Lily-Mae, and Orig rolling a barrel.

“Excuse me, this is a closed court!” Vi called out.

“They’re here at my request,” Folium called out.

Vi raised her eyebrows, but motioned for them to sit with the others.

“Now then, what are the charges?” Vi asked, shuffling her papers and peering down at Mayor Kallen and Folium.

“The charges are kidnapping and excessive use of force!” Mayor Kallen shouted.

“Don’t make me have you gagged mayor,” Vi said ominously. She flicked her gaze to Folium.

“The…” Folium suddenly felt hot under Vi’s intense gaze. She glanced at Virtus’ still form on the table in the corner. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

“The chargers are wilful endangerment of a Category A endangered species and unauthorised use of a Class C controlled substance. They hold a sentence of five and three years respectively, thus warranting a citizen’s arrest for crimes with a sentence of over five years.”

Vi raised her eyebrows. “You certainly know your Saltus City law. But what proof do you have?”

“This,” Folium said, producing the pixie gem from her pocket. “Mayor Kallen’s magic is imprinted on it.”

Vi fluttered down from the podium and took the pixie gem from Folium. She went over and reached out to touch Mayor Kallen.

“Don’t touch me!” Mayor Kallen shouted.

“Very well, I don’t have to touch you.” Vi said, holding her hand out in front of the mayor.

Mayor Kallen scowled, but seemed to have realised further objection was futile for now. The air rippled between Vi’s hand and Mayor Kallen, as well as around the pixie gem.

“It’s a match alright, and it's strong. I’d say it’s been used within the last 24 hours,” she said after a while. “Delia and Teri, could you come and confirm for me.”

Delia and Teri came down from the jury seats and performed the same exercise. Both confirmed the match.

“But what about the accusation of wilful endangerment?” Vi asked, fluttering back up to the podium.

“We witnessed Mayor Kallen destroy a Green Periwinkle Snail egg in the Dark Tunnel and he injured… he injured…” Folium swallowed hard. “He injured my Green Periwinkle Snail, Virtus,” she said, pointing to the corner of the room.

“Oh my! Virtus!” Delia exclaimed, making to leave the jury box.

“Delia, we are in trial, you can not leave the jury box unless instructed. I’m sorry you will have to stay put,” Vi said.

The Vice Mayor wrung her hands but took her seat.

“I am sorry about your snail, but again, where is the proof?” Vi asked.

“Orig, could you open the barrel?” Folium asked the burly pixie.

He nodded, prising the barrel open to reveal a slimy, glittery substance.

“This snail slime came from the Dark Tunnel. The glitter is pixie dust from the use of the pixie gem,” Folium said.

“And how do you know snail slime came from the Dark Tunnel?” Vi asked.

“I can confirm it did,” Orig said. “I’ve been collecting snail slime from the Dark Tunnel for the past four years, and it's only started to glitter in the past two moons,” Orig said.

“And that’s when the snails started disappearing from my farm,” Maverix chipped in.

Vi scribbled down some notes. “And why have you been collecting snail slime?”

Orig glanced at Zya. So did Folium and noticed Zya had her lips pressed tightly together. Vi noticed too.

“Is this why you’ve been asked to join us, Zya?” Vi asked.

“I don’t know why I’m here except that I’ve been threatened to be arrested by her!” Zya said, pointing at Folium.

“It wasn’t a threat! You’re suspected of endangering the snail eggs as well. Orig was seen at the scene of the crime before heading straight to yours and Lily-Mae’s factories, you’re potential accessories to the crime. Zya, it’s a three year sentence if you’re an accessory to endangering a protected species,” Folium said.

“Fine!” she burst out. “Orig’s been secretly collecting snail slime for me for the past four years because it’s the secret ingredient in our skin care line. We have a permit from the Conservation Department but no one was meant to find out!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s disgusting!” she wailed. “But I can’t find anything else that gets the same results.”

Vi looked at Teri.

“Yes, they have a permit and a species protection policy. Zya came to see me the other day for the annual review.”

Vi scribbled down some more notes. “Alright, the slime is from the Dark Tunnel, but how can you confirm the glitter it’s from the pixie gem dust?”

“I can,” said Lily-Mae. “I have a Tier One Licence for handling Class C controlled substances and I’m an expert in pixie gems.”

Vi motioned for her to come out of the jury box. Lily-Mae went to the floor and picked up the pixie gem. It started to glow in her hand, then a green flame burst into life around it. Before it grew too large it went out with a puff and green glitter sparkled in the air before settling on the table.

Vi went down and peered at the pixie dust on the table. She held her hand over it and the air between her hand and the table rippled. She then went over to the barrel and performed the same test.

“Another match. Delia, Teri, could you please confirm again.”

They flew down and confirmed Vi’s finding.

“And how did you come to obtain this Class C substance, Mayor Kallen?” Vi asked.

But the mayor clamped his mouth shut, shaking his head.

“He got it from me,” Lily-Mae said.

Vi raised her eyebrows. “Are you saying you’re selling controlled substances to unregistered pixies?”

“Not at all! Mayor Kallen is a Tier One Licence holder too.” Lily-Mae said.

“No he’s not,” Delia said. “I oversee the Licensing Committee and Mayor Kallen isn’t on the list.”

“What? No, I've seen his licence!” Lily-Mae said.

“I’ve seen it too,” said Orig. “I suppose it could be a forgery? We didn’t check it against the official registry. We didn’t think the mayor would lie about that kind of thing.”

“I haven’t lied! My name’s on the registry! They’re conspiring against me!” Mayor Kallen suddenly shouted. 

“Why would we do that?” Delia asked. 

“To sabotage my campaign! The proof is in the polls, you’re doing better than me! I had to do someth-”

Mayor Kallen quickly shut his mouth. 

“You had to do something?” Vi asked.

But Mayor Kallen stayed silent. The guilty expression said a lot though.

“Mayor Kallen, I’ll ask you once more. What did you have to do?”

“Nothing!” he spat at Vi.

“Fine. Then apart from the mayor’s unanswered question I only have one more. How do I know Mayor Kallen actually destroyed the eggs?” Vi asked.

“Because we have three witnesses, myself, Virtus, and Maverix,” Folium said. 

“You can’t make a judgement based on that! One of your witnesses is a snail!” Mayor Kallen shouted.

“I’ll decide what I can and can’t make a judgement on, thank you,” Vi said, frowning at Mayor Kallen. “Folium, if you could leave the room so we can cross examine Maverix.” Vi glanced at Virtus. “You can leave Virtus here.”

Folium nodded and left the room. She sat on a timber bench in the hall outside, replaying the proceedings in her head. She’d provided as much evidence as she could, and she knew it looked good. But she couldn’t help worrying it wouldn’t be enough. This was the boldest move she’d ever made. 

For a moment a wave of self-doubt went through her. What if she didn’t get a conviction? Then she would be known as the pixie who had arrested the mayor, tanked her career, and ruined her mum's campaign for nothing.

Oh god, her mum’s campaign! She hadn’t even thought of the consequences this would have on it. What if she lost because Folium had not thought this through? Not provided enough evidence? Not been good enough?

“Folium? We’re ready for you,” Teri said, poking her head around the door.

Folium took a deep breath and followed her back into the room.

Vi asked her a series of questions as she recounted what happened in the tunnel. She hesitated at the point where she’d entered Ignesco State. 

“Don’t worry, just tell us what you remember,” Vi had said. 

As she finished Vi scribbled down some final notes. She sat back in her chair reading. The room was silent but electric with anticipation.

“Right,” she said, looking up at the room. “Based on the evidence provided, I find Mayor Kallen charged on one count of wilful endangerment of a Category A endangered species. Upon the review of the Tier One Licence held by LM Developments against the licence registry, there is an outstanding charge for unauthorised use of a Class C controlled substance, as well as an outstanding charge for forgery of an official document.”

“WHAT!” Mayor Kallen roared. “This is ridiculous, I’m innocent!”

“No you’re not. But why did you do it?” Folium asked. 

He stared at them all defiantly, but after a while he began to sag. “I was going to lose.”


“The mayoral race! I’ve been mayor for twenty nine years. I had to do something to ensure I got to thirty. I… I had to do something to ruin Delia’s campaign. I realised I wasn't ready to retire but didn't know how to tell you,” he said, hanging his head.

“So you tried to ruin my campaign?!” Delia asked, shocked. “But why Kallen? I’ve been your biggest supporter!”

“But how does destroying snail eggs sabotage my mum’s campaign?” Folium asked. 

“The vines!” Delia said. “I’ve been copping it for the inability to control the vines and damage to infrastructure since as Vice Mayor I’m also the Head of Infrastructure.”

“It also probably doesn’t reflect well that you were the last Head of Conservation as well. This vine issue has caused major backlash against our department too, and you’re still widely known as the face of Conservation since you only left last term,” Teri said.

“Is this true?” Vi shot at Kallen.

He hung his head. 

“How could you!” Delia shouted at him. “You ungrateful… useless… old man!”

“Delia, please calm down. Cus, take the former mayor to the police station please. Teri, gather the inner Council and bring them here immediately. We need to pass a motion for our Vice Mayor to step in before the elections are held, since our mayor is otherwise occupied. The rest of you may leave.”

Teri hurried from the room. Cas followed, half carrying the moping mayor. Zya dragged Orig out behind them. Folium ran straight over to Virtus. She was still breathing but barely.

“Vi, can I have the pixie gem?” Lily-Mae asked.

“I suppose so.”

Lily-Mae appeared next to Folium, holding the shining green gem. Delia and Maverix came over too.

“I can help her,” Lily-Mae said gently.

“How?” Folium asked.

“Pixie gems aren’t only destructive. They have incredible healing properties as well.”

Folium looked at the gem in Lily-Mae’s hand. Then at Virtus. Could she trust Lily-Mae? Was she powerful enough to help her? Actually, did she even have a choice? It had already been so long since Virtus had been hurt, she might not make it to the hospital. Coming to a decision she nodded and moved out the way. 

Lily-Mae held the pixie gem over Virtus. It glowed green, but rather than bursting into flames as it had earlier, ribbons of light shot out from the gem and wrapped themselves around Virtus. As the final ribbon twisted around, they grew brighter, until in a flash they and the pixie gem disappeared. 

Folium heard a crackling sound. Shards of shining green shell were growing to repair the hole in Virtus’ shell. As the last piece settled Virtus stirred.

Virtus? Virtus!

Ouch, stop shouting!

Oh my god, Virt you’re alright! Folium hugged Virtus gently, tears streaming down her face.

Did we win? Virtus asked. 

We did! Mayor Kallen’s been convicted and the snail eggs are safe!

Good, was all Virtus could manage before lying back down. 

“Thank you Lily-Mae.”

“No problem. You’re one tough pixie. I look forward to continuing to work with you,” Lily-Mae said, smiling at Folium and Virtus, before turning and leaving the courtroom in deep conversation with Vi.  

“Oh Folium and Virtus! You two had me so worried! Are you both ok?” Delia said.

“Yeah we are, thanks mum,” Folium smiled. 

“I need to sort out some things now that Mayor Kallen’s gone. Maverix, could you take my girls home?”

“Of course ma’am,” Maverix said.

“Alright I’ll see you at home,” Delia said, hugging them both before heading out.

Folium carefully picked up Virtus and followed Maverix to the cart. 

“Thank you for everything today Maverix. You’ve been an unexpected friend.”

“Of course!” Maverix said. “I probably came off as very rude when we first met, but I was just worried about my family.”

It felt like ages ago she’d looked around Maverix’s place, suspecting the cart tracks were his. As they trundled off a sudden thought came to Folium.

“Why were you paying Orig? I thought you were possibly paying him to destroy the snails for you?”

“What? How do you know I’m paying Orig?” Maverix asked, shocked.

“Oh, um, I was snooping around your stables and overheard you,” Folium said, guiltily.

“Oh, well… um…” Maverix squirmed with embarrassment. “I was actually paying Orig back. He was going past twice a week to get snail slime and we got talking. He could see I was struggling and offered to loan me some money. He was a real lifesaver, and now that my farm’s managing to finally turn a profit again I’m paying him back.”

“You were a real lifesaver too,” Folium smiled. “Without your help today we may not have managed to stop the mayor.”

“I think Virtus is the lifesaver,” Maverix said.

I think we’ve all done some life saving today, Virtus smiled.


Read The Gods Part One - Mt Pelion Castle now!

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