Royals Part Four - Bloom

Royals Part Four - Bloom

Have you read Royals Part Three - Bud?


“So let me get this straight. You, Florian, who has always believed-“ he raised his fingers into air quotes “-diplomacy is for chumps, rode non-stop for a day and half to request diplomacy lessons from his big brother?”

“Yes Aster,” Florian said through clenched teeth, sitting stiffly in a straight-backed chair opposite his brother.

King Aster leant back, grabbed a grape from the bowl on his desk, popped it in his mouth and smirked. His salt and pepper beard bobbed as he chewed. Aster, dressed in a red suit, looked exactly like their father, powerfully built with dark hair and bright green eyes. Florian’s blonde hair and tall figure came from their mother, but he had the same green eyes as Aster. All seven brothers had some unique combination of their parent’s features.

Florian’s stomach turned as a horrible thought crossed his mind. “Don’t tell the others!” he blurted. “They’ll never let me live this down, especially Talasi.”

Aster laughed, a deep rich sound that bounced around the cool stone office. “Don’t worry baby brother, I won’t tell them. We’re the only ones home at the moment anyway. Reed, Ash, and Linden are assembling the armies across Sinali to march to Endani, Talasi is on a diplomatic mission to Dalphi, and Laurence is enjoying his honeymoon. Saying that, does your lovely wife know where you are?”

A led weight settled in his stomach. “No,” he mumbled. 

Aster frowned, opened his mouth, paused, then closed it again. Finally, he said, “You know what, your marriage isn’t my problem, lord knows I’ve got enough of my own at the moment, but lesson one in diplomacy is clear communication.” 

Florian cringed, making a mental note to dispatch a messenger as soon as possible.

“Lesson two, don’t let your thoughts play so obviously across your face. I could practically see your mental quill scratching a note to dispatch a messenger,” Aster said as he raised his eyebrows.

Florian went to sigh, catching himself and rearranging his face into what he hoped was a neutral expression. 

“Good,” Aster nodded. “Alright, since I’m doing you a favour, you can do me one by helping me get through this.” He gestured toward two crooked stacks of paper at one side of his desk.

Florian got halfway through a groan before he caught himself again, swallowing the rest.

“You’re the one who wants to learn,” Aster laughed. “Lesson three, diplomacy involves a shit ton of paperwork.”

Florian mumbled.

Aster tutted. “Lesson one, clear communication. Enunciate your words.”

“I said it sounds like fucking bullshit,” Florian said, exaggerating each word.

Aster tipped his head back in laughter. “Lesson four, you need to be tactful with your words.”

“Ugh no wonder I hated this,” Florian said, fiddling with his shirt cuff. “It’s all being bland and doing paperwork. No wonder Dahlia seems like a completely different person when she’s with her Council.”

“Of course she does. To be honest she’s probably the most adept diplomat I’ve met. She could probably give Talasi and run for his money.”

“That’s probably why she keeps me out,” Florian grumbled, sinking down into a slouch.

“What do you mean?”

Florian sighed. “She won’t let me help. I spend my days reviewing crops and training with the guard. She hardly ever lets me meet with the Council, let alone sit on it.” Shame creeped up his throat. “My obvious lack in diplomatic skill is the only reason I can think of as to why she’d keep pushing me away.”

Aster gave Florian an assessing look. Florian straightened under his brother’s scrutiny. He always hated it when his brother looked at him like that.

“What?” Florian asked, a little more aggressively than he intended.

Aster raised his eyebrows.

Florian cleared his throat. “I mean, which pile would you like me to start with?”

Aster paused for a beat, before grabbing a piece of paper from the top of the nearest pile. “Either, it doesn’t matter. They’re all overdue anyway.” He shook the paper out with a rustle, popped another grape in his mouth, and settled back into his chair to read.

Florian grabbed a report of the top of the nearest pile and moved to the cushion covered couch next to the window. He kicked off his shoes and put his feet up. A quick scan of the first page told him it was a report summarising Talasi’s first week in Dalphi. Perfect, what better way to learn diplomacy than from a report from one of the most savvy diplomats in the kingdom sent into one of the most high tension situations.

But by the time he reached the bottom of the first page he was bored to tears. He flicked through the pages. Fuck there was like ten pages of this shit. No, stop thinking like that. Be positive, do this for Dal. He’d vowed to help her. 

Running a hand over his face he flipped to the second page. By the third page he felt like he was getting into the groove of it. He glanced over at Aster, suppressing a sigh as he saw Aster had already gotten through a quarter of the pile nearest him. He supposed lesson five was learning to read a fuck ton faster. Aster dropped a report on his read pile and picked up another, his eyes rapidly sliding back and forth across the page, his free hand stroking his beard.

Tap, tap, tap. 

“Enter,” Aster called, not bothering to look up from the report he was reading.

The door opened with a creak. The young woman Florian had seen guarding Aster’s office when he’d entered appeared. 

“Your Majesty,” she said with a bow, but to Florian’s surprise she turned her gaze to him. “Consort Florian, bad news has come from Kefali. It’s the queen.”

Florian’s stomach dropped.


“Where the hell have you been?” Sofia hissed at him through bared teeth as she marched toward him. 


“I don’t give a flying fuck that you’re a prince of Sinali or that you’re consort of Kefali, you better get your ass into her room now before I drag you there,” she whisper-shouted as she jabbed him in the chest with her finger.

He paused. Sofia never spoke to him like this. Hell, she never spoke to anyone like this. She prodded him again. Anger flared hot in his chest.

“Where the hell do you think I’m going,” he hissed back, storming past Sofia. He’d ridden as fast as he could, but his brother’s castle was almost two days hard ride away. He was drained, both from worry and the lack of sleep as he’d forced himself to ride through the night, alternating between his own horse and one Aster had lent him. 

“You stink,” she said, matching his strides.

“I thought you wanted me to get my ass into her room now,” he said, giving her a sideways glance.

Sofia glared at him but stayed silent. The guards who saw them coming hurried to open the doors, Florian roughly shoving open the doors of those who didn’t.

Finally, he reached their bedroom door. He paused, taking a deep breath before gently opening the door. His stomach lurched at the sight of her. She lay still as a statue, face pale against the deep blue bed sheets. Her hair was fanned out over the pillow and the sheets had been haphazardly kicked off, her nightgown damp with sweat. 

Sofia gently closed the door behind him, standing guard outside. As he moved quickly to Dahlia’s bedside she groaned, and her eyes fluttered open. She groaned again, grabbing her forehead and squinting.

“Dal,” he whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing her free hand. “Dal, I’m so sorry.” His words came out strangled.

“Flo?” she rasped, turning her head slowly and blinking at him.

“Yes Dal, I’m here,” he said, bringing her hand to his mouth and pressing a soft kiss to her palm before placing it on his cheek.

She rubbed her thumb over his cheek bone, her lips curling into a weak smile. 

“What happened?”” he asked gently.

“Nothing serious, just overworked m-.” She erupted into a coughing fit. 

As it subsided, he helped her sit up. Picking up the lukewarm teacup from her bedside table, he sat on the edge of the bed and gently brought the cup to her lips. She took a few sips, letting out a small sigh. He set down the cup and when he turned back to her, she had fixed him with one of her hard gazes, one she normally reserved for Fyf. Even sick as she was, she was still as commanding as ever. He resisted the urge to shrink under her gaze.

“Where were you?” a tinge of worry softening the hard edge of her voice.

Guilt swelled inside his chest. “Dal, I’m so sorry. I went to see Aster.”

A puzzled look crossed her face. “Aster?”

“Yeah, I- I thought if he could teach me how to be more diplomatic you might… you might let me help you.”

Guilt flitted across her face. “Florian, I-“

“No, no Dal, it’s fine. I screwed up, I vowed to help you run the country but bought no useful skills. I mean I can swing a sword pretty well, but I don’t think the Council would be very happy if I brought one into the meeting,” he said, giving her a small smile. 

She let out a wheezing laugh. “No, I don’t think they would. Speaking of the Council, I actually wanted to ask you something. I was going to organise a dinner and all that but with my current state I can’t delay it. I’m sorry Flo.”

His stomach clenched. Fuck, was she going to ask him to leave? Maybe send him to one of her remote castles so he’d stay out of her way. Why hadn’t he told her where he was going? He’d gotten so wrapped up in his plan he’d left her alone when she needed him most. He hung his head. 

Cold delicate fingers brushed under his chin, gently lifting his eyes to hers.

She sighed. “I didn’t know how to share the load, how to let you, or anyone, help me. I promised dad I’d take care of our country, but I’ve realised recently that I don’t have to do it alone.” She smiled. “I want you with me. I want you by my side at the Council meetings and diplomatic missions. I want you as my right hand, to rule with me.”

His throat tightened. He took her hand, stroking the soft skin with his rough thumb. 

“But I don’t know how to. I’m not exactly the most tactful person…”

She chuckled. “Did Aster tell you that?”

“Yeah,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “He also said I could work on my communication skills.”

She chuckled again. “He’s a wise one, that brother of yours.”

“He sure is.” He blew out a breath, running his hand through his hair. “Dal, I don’t know if I can be good enough to rule with you.”

“Sure you can. You’re more skilled than you think,” she smiled.

He searched her gaze for any sign of the doubt he felt in himself. He found none.

“Ok Dal, I’ll try my best to be a consort worthy of your country, and a husband worthy of you.”

“Our country,” she whispered.

Warmth spread through his chest.

“Now go wash up and come hop in bed with me,” she said, giving his arm a nudge. 

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” he said with a laugh of relief. It was going to be ok. They were going to be ok.

He washed himself quickly and slid into the bed beside Dahlia. She snuggled into his side, resting her head on his chest. Gently stroking her hair, he breathed in her rose and honey scent. Maybe she was right, maybe he could do this. He sure as hell was going to give it his all. For her.  

“I love you Dal,” he whispered into her hair.

“I love you too Flo.”


Thank you for reading! Want more? Check out Neon Fae Part One - Bright out now!

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