Elves Part Two - Loss

Elves Part Two - Loss

Have you read Elves Part One - Law?


The discussion had been short. As I expected, it was a unanimous vote for the newly proposed law without a moment's hesitation. Or maybe it all felt so fast considering my eyes had remained in one spot for the entirety of the meeting. Thain had met my stare for only a moment before turning his attention back to my father and the crowd. I walked out of the room shaking my head to clear my thoughts, frustration seeping in as I realised I had not paid any attention at all to what had gone on. I should’ve stepped forward, I should’ve said something, rather than just stand there dumbfounded. Resigning myself to the moment of weakness I had encountered. I pulled myself back to reality as I made my way to my sister's apartments.

My body was heavy as I made my way up the final flight of stairs, preparing myself for the onslaught of tears, before opening the door leading to the sitting room between mine and Lirien's rooms. I immediately paused in the doorway as not a sound came my way. An empty room stood before me, normally busy with handmaidens chattering and flitting about the place to dote on my sister. I tensed, sniffing at the stale air, anxiety unnecessarily coursing through me. My mind quickly rationalised, she must be in the gardens.

I couldn’t help my quick pace as I made my way down, aiming for the beautiful courtyard that the nobles often strolled around. Head moving rapidly from left to right, I circled the courtyard twice before I noticed how quick my heartrate had become. Just as I turned to enter the castle again I spotted Lyra, Lirien’s most beloved handmaiden, shuffling past with a wicker basket in hand.

“Lyra!” I called out as I jogged to catch up with her. “Where is Lirien? I went to find her at our apartments and then the courtyard but couldn’t see her anywhere.”

Lyra moved the basket with one hand holding it against her hip to the other, brows furrowing.

“Her highness sent us all away, she was upset with the court discussion going on and wanted to be alone,” she told me before continuing on her way. I couldn’t help the nervous pick of my forefinger and thumbnail as I looked around aimlessly thinking of where to look next.

My attention was caught by a glare of light that flashed in my vision from the entry of the castle walls, two of father’s soldiers stuffed in those ridiculous silver suits of armour were making their way towards me.

“Your Highness, his Majesty has requested your presence.” One of the soldiers told me before they both turned towards the direction of father’s quarters. Following quietly behind, my panic rose as we finally made it into my father's offices where he stood staring out the window looking over his encircled kingdom within the vast expanse of wood. I stood in utter stillness as he turned to me, his face hard as his soldiers took their place on either side of the doorway.

“Aerin…” he paused, sucking in a long breath of air, “Lirien has been taken.”

I was stunned, silent as I stared at my father before my mind caught up.

“What do you mean she was taken?!” I exclaimed, taking quick steps closer to him. “I saw her only hours ago!”

King Theoden looked away again, out of his window. “I asked my guards to seek her out after the hearing, they could not locate her anywhere.” He stated, not looking in my direction.

“That is ridiculous! It’s barely reached the first hour since the hearing ended, how could they possibly determine she was taken so quickly?!” I was panicking, obvious in every word I spoke. “Have you spoken to her handmaidens? Surely they would’ve seen or heard something.” I stumbled over the words, quickly turning to look at the soldiers stationed at the door before turning back to my father.

“They have been asked but to no avail. I feared there would be some backlash from the commoners to this desperately needed new law, but I did not think it would stretch to such a crime as capturing a royal. But do not fear, I have my best soldiers scouring the kingdom at this very moment.”

“Desperately needed new law?!” I huffed a breath reminding myself of the matter at hand. “I just spoke with Lyra, she seemed to have no idea such a thing has occurred. Clearly your soldiers have not even accomplished your first request of questioning!” I was on the verge of tears as terror gripped at my mind, I was clawing for some semblance of sense.

King Theoden snapped his head. “That commoner was sent away by Lirien, she would have no idea of such a thing occurring and would be a waste of time even approaching,” he counted, hard eyes staring down at me.

“How would you even…” I began to say, but seeing the hatred for the common elf in his eyes. I gave up. “Forget it, I will search for Lirien and I will do so without such an easy dismissal!” I shot out before turning on my heel and storming out of his office.

“Aerin!” I heard him call out, but I was already halfway down the stairs flying towards my chambers to prepare.

Desperately trying to reign in my breathing I hurriedly packed a bag of basic supplies before hooking my bow and quiver on one shoulder and pack on the other. It was all a blur of what felt like wasted time before I reached my door, wrenching it open and quickly halting as I looked up at the figure waiting before my door, hand half raised as if to knock.

Hood down this time, hair cropped short as I suspected, I looked up into those all too familiar forest greens eyes, my ragged breathing finally cut short.

“Ari, what's wrong?” That voice echoing through me as Thain took a step forward as if to reach out to me before stopping himself. It took only a moment of hesitation before I caught up with my emotions again.

“What do you mean what's wrong?! Lirien is missing! Why are you even here?! Shouldn’t you be with father’s soldiers looking for her?!” Half yelling, half crying, voice breaking as I mocked his position in my father's court. This time he did reach out for me, grasping my shoulders, sharing a breath with me as he leaned in.

“What do you mean Lirien is missing?” He asked in a calm, hard voice, only his eyes betraying the panic I knew was there. I slapped his arms away, taking a step back.

“It means what it means you fool!” I practically screamed in his face before stepping past him. I was flying again down endless stairs making my way to the only exit from the castle that led directly into the dense wood awaiting me. Before I could make it to the ground level my elbow was caught, yanking me to a stop.

“Ari for the gods sake, stop and tell me what you know!” Thains voice finally holding the panic I could see coursing through his whole body.

“Why are you asking me? As I said, fathers soldiers are apparently out looking for her in the kingdom, I would’ve thought you were the first to know!” I yanked my elbow from his grasp, breathing heavy as I stared up at him again.

“I haven’t been told anything.”

My whirl of emotions paused for a moment while I took that information in. Why would Thain not know this has happened? I forced myself back on track.

“Either way, father said his soldiers are searching the kingdom but said nothing of the surrounding wood,” I quickly turned again before I was caught at the elbow once more.

“Ari, you can’t go into the woods! There are beasts you cannot even begin to imagine out there!” True fear laced every inch of voice and body as he held on to me. Anger quickly took hold once more.

“I do not care for beasts.” I looked him up and down. “And brutes for that matter. Let me go before I make you.” I seethed, stepping an inch closer so my murderous glare was the only thing in his vision. It was quick but I saw his eyes drop to my mouth before shooting back up into my glare.

“Fine. Give me five minutes and I will meet you by the gate,” he told me before letting go of my elbow and making to turn.

“You are not coming with me!” I yelled once more as he turned back to me before giving me a half smirk.

“And how do you suppose you will pass the guards at the gate?” He asked, eyebrow raising. I again had to pause for a moment before grumbling a bit and leaning against the wall closest to me.

“Two minutes.” I told him, and he was off.


Read Elves Part Three - Lethal now!

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